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中东地区石化供应喜忧参半 斋月期间需求放缓

作者: 2021年04月20日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据ICIS网站4月15日消息 中东地区的石化供应状况喜忧参半,一些产品的贸易受到限制,而在斋月的第一周,基础油、多元醇和聚苯乙烯的货源紧张。

  据ICIS网站4月15日消息 中东地区的石化供应状况喜忧参半,一些产品的贸易受到限制,而在斋月的第一周,基础油、多元醇和聚苯乙烯的货源紧张。




  王磊 摘译自 ICIS


  Mideast petrochemical supply mixed; demand slows amid Ramadan

  Petrochemical supply conditions are mixed in the Middle East, with trade limited for some products while cargo availability is tight when it comes to base oils, polyols and polystyrene in the first week of Ramadan.

  The bulk of the region’s polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) business for April in the Middle East has been completed before the Muslim fasting month started on 12 April.

  Demand is set to taper off due to shorter working hours in place in most Middle Eastern countries during Ramadan, which will end with the Eid ul-Fitr holiday.

  Markets across the region are generally expected to pick up pace around mid-May.

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标签:聚乙烯 聚丙烯
