进口真空直动式电磁阀 零压差负压电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的简单介绍进口真空直动式电磁阀广泛应用真空泵等设备上,电磁阀与泵并联在一起受泵的开关控制,当泵的开启或者停止时,同步控制了不锈钢直动式真空电磁阀的开启与关闭进口真空直动式电磁阀 零压差负压电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的详细信息品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口真空直动式电磁阀广泛应用真空泵等设备上,电磁阀与泵并联在一起受泵的开关控制,当泵的开启或者停止时,同步控制了不锈钢直动式真空电磁阀的开启与关闭。当泵停止工作或电源突然中断时,真空电磁阀能自动将系统封闭,并将大气通过泵的进气口充入泵腔,避免泵油返流污染真空系统。真空电磁阀适用的工作介质为空气及非腐蚀性气体 The
imported vacuum direct acting solenoid valve is widely used in equipment such
as vacuum pumps. The solenoid valve is connected in parallel with the pump and
is controlled by the pump's switch. When the pump is started or stopped, it
synchronously controls the opening and closing of the stainless steel direct
acting vacuum solenoid valve. When the pump stops working or the power supply
is suddenly interrupted, the vacuum solenoid valve can automatically close the
system and charge the atmosphere into the pump chamber through the pump's air
inlet, avoiding the return flow of pump oil from polluting the vacuum system.
The working medium suitable for vacuum solenoid valves is air and non corrosive
gases 工作原理
working principle 进口真空直动式电磁阀常闭型 retz
Imported large direct acting solenoid valve, normally closed type 断电时呈关闭状态,当线圈通电产生电磁力,使动铁芯克服弹簧力和静铁芯吸合直接开启阀口,介质通过;当线圈断电时电磁力消失,动铁芯在弹簧力的作用下复位,直接关闭阀口,介质不通。 When
the normally closed type is powered off, it is in a closed state. When the coil
is energized, electromagnetic force is generated, causing the moving iron core
to overcome the spring force and the static iron core to directly open the
valve port, and the medium passes through; When the coil loses power, the
electromagnetic force disappears, and the moving iron core recovers under the
action of spring force Position, directly close the valve port, medium blocked 技术参数
Technical parameter 大通径,多种密封形式可选 Large
diameter, multiple sealing forms available 可按需提供多种板接方式
Multiple board connection methods can be provided as needed 结构简单,动作可靠,开关速度快,在零压差和微真空下正常工作
Simple structure, reliable action, fast switching speed, and normal operation
under zero pressure difference and micro vacuum
以上是进口真空直动式电磁阀 零压差负压电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的详细信息,如果您对进口真空直动式电磁阀 零压差负压电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取进口真空直动式电磁阀 零压差负压电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的最新信息 |