进口油品用电磁阀 导热油 润滑油 柴油电磁阀 RETZ品牌的简单介绍进口油用电磁阀采用先导阀、活塞组合的结构设计,适用于导热油、润滑油、机油、柴油、汽油等常温介质在管路中的自动启闭,从而达到系统和设备的程序控制或远程控制进口油品用电磁阀 导热油 润滑油 柴油电磁阀 RETZ品牌的详细信息品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口油用电磁阀采用先导阀、活塞组合的结构设计,适用于导热油、润滑油、机油、柴油、汽油等常温介质在管路中的自动启闭,从而达到系统和设备的程序控制或远程控制The
RETZ oil solenoid valve is designed with a combination of pilot valve and
piston structure, suitable for automatic opening and closing of normal
temperature media such as heat transfer oil, lubricating oil, engine oil,
diesel, gasoline, etc. in pipelines, thus achieving program control or remote
control of the system and equipment 进口油用电磁阀控制原理-- 常闭:normal
close 当线圈通电时,先导阀芯吸合,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开。当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭When
the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is closed, the pilot hole opens,
the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is pushed by the
medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve opens. When the
coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot
hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston
orifice and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed 常开
normally open 当线圈通电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭。当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开When
the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot
hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston orifice
and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed. When the
coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot
hole is opened, the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is
pushed by the medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve
opens. 进口油用电磁阀结构特点-- 线圈动作可靠,动作响应迅速; 配套线圈,不易烧毁; 阀芯均为不锈钢活塞式,活塞环不会被介质中的杂质卡死; 线圈不易烧毁,提高阀的可靠性并能防水、防潮,不易烧毁; 线圈启动阀芯同时拉动活塞,在零压时都能正常工作; 进口油用电磁阀选型参数-- 阀体材质:黄铜,铸钢,不锈锈304或316 接口尺寸:G1/4-G2"
或F1/2-F4" 工作压力:0-10Mpa
介质粘度:易燃易爆液体、油品,小于50CSt (大于50时需定制) 介质温度:-10~+80℃(+300℃,可选) 环境温度:-10~+50℃ 密封材质:聚四氟乙烯(PTFE),丁腈橡胶(NBR) 标准电压:AC:220V(50/60HZ)/DC:24V 防护性能:防水、防爆(DⅡCT5、ExdⅡCT5、ExmbⅡCT4、ExdⅡCT4)、防腐。 防护等级:IP67、IP65 以上是进口油品用电磁阀 导热油 润滑油 柴油电磁阀 RETZ品牌的详细信息,如果您对进口油品用电磁阀 导热油 润滑油 柴油电磁阀 RETZ品牌的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取进口油品用电磁阀 导热油 润滑油 柴油电磁阀 RETZ品牌的最新信息 |