风电试验平台 适用于风电公司加工工作平面使用,上面有孔和T型槽, 风电试验平台用来固定工件,和清理加工时产生的铁屑.本设备主要用于风力发电机的安装,试验时进行装夹连接;满足动态试验时对平台的要求,保证试验的可靠性和安全性. 风电试验台材质:高强度铸铁HT200-300工作面硬度为HB170-240,经过两次人工处理(人工退火600度-700度和自然时效2-3年)使用该产品 的精度稳定,耐磨性能好. 风电试验台规格:100*100—3000*6000,(特殊规格根据需方图纸制作.) Wind Power Testing Surface Plate Wind Power Testing Surface Plate is suitable for Wind power generation company as machining worktable. Material: The material of Cast Iron Testing Plate is high-strength cast iron HT200 and HT250. After two times’ artificial heat aging treatment( Artificial annealing temperature Specification: 100*100—3000*6000( Special specification is availiable as per customers’ drawing) 风电试验平台精度:按国家标准计量检定规程执行,分别为0,1,2,3四个等级. 相关产品:风电试验台,风力发电试验平台,风电试验平台 风电试验台制成筋板式和 箱体式,工作面有长方形,正方形或圆形,材料HT200-300,QT400-600,ZG15-45.工作面采用刮研工艺,工作面上可加工V形,T形,U形槽,燕尾槽,圆孔,长孔等.平板是用于工件检测或划线的平面基准量具.风电试验台安装就调至水平板,负荷均匀分布于各支点上.环境温度(20±5)℃.使用时应避免振动. Wind Powder Surface Plate can be made into rib type or box type and the working surface are typically square, rectangular or round and are allowed to machined V, T or U-shaped grooves and round holes or other holes. It is always used as the datum for measurement of the machinery parts’ geometric tolerance,such as flatness, parallelism, straightness and more. It is also can be used for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The environment temperature (20 + / - 以上是风电试验平台厂家直销,铸铁风电试验平台厂家现货的详细信息,如果您对风电试验平台厂家直销,铸铁风电试验平台厂家现货的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取风电试验平台厂家直销,铸铁风电试验平台厂家现货的最新信息 |