铸铁平台用途:适用于各种检验工作,精密测量用的基准平面,铸铁平台用于机床机械测量基准,检查零件的尺寸精度或形位偏差,并作精密划线。在机械制造中也是不可缺少的基本工具。 Inspection surface plate is used as the datum for measurement of the machinery parts’ geometric tolerance,such as flatness, parallelism, straightness and more. It is also can be used for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. 铸铁平台材质: 材料为高强度铸铁HT200-250工作面硬度为HB160—210。经过两次处理(人工退火600度----700度或自然时效2---3 年),使该产品的精度稳定,耐磨性能好。 The material of Cast Iron Inspection Plate is high-strength cast iron Ht200-250 and the hardness of the working surface is HB 160-210. After artificial heat aging treatment( Artificial annealing temperature 铸铁平台精度:按国家标准计量检定规程执行,分别为0,1,2,3级四个级别 The Cast Iron Surface Plate can be classified as Grade 0,1,2,3,4 according to the national standard metrological verification procedures 铸铁平台退火种类常见的T型槽铸铁平台[2]退火工艺有:再结晶铸铁平台退火,去应力铸铁平台退火,球化铸铁平台退火,完全铸铁平台退火等。铸铁平台退火的目的:主要是降低金属材料的硬度,提高塑性,以利切削加工或压力加工,减少残余应力,提高组织和成分的均匀化,或为后道热处理作好组织准备等。 There are many annealing type for Cast Iron Surface Plate, such as stress relief annealing, recrystallization annealing, spheroidizing annealing, full annealing, etc. The purpose of annealing process is to reduce the hardness of metal materials, to improve the plasticity, contributing to cutting and pressure machining process. It also can reduce the residual stress, improve the organization and composition of the homogenization. 1.完全铸铁平台退火和等温铸铁平台退火 完全铸铁平台退火又称重结晶铸铁平台退火,一般简称为铸铁平台退火,这种铸铁平台退火主要用于亚共析成分的各种碳钢和合金钢的铸,锻件及热轧型材,有时也用于焊接结构。一般常作为一些不重工件的最终热处理,或作为某些工件的预先热处理。 Full annealing and isothermal annealing for Cast Iron Surface Plate. This kind of annealing process is mainly used in all kinds of carbon steel and alloy steel casting, forging and hot rolled profiles. Sometimes it is used for welding structure and often served as the final heat treatment or as a preliminary heat treatment for some workpiece. 2.去应力铸铁平台退火 去应力铸铁平台退火又称低温铸铁平台退火(或高温回火),这种铸铁平台退火主要用来消除铸件,锻件,焊接件,热轧件,冷拉件等的残余应力。如果这些应力不予消除,将会引起钢件在一定时间以后,或在随后的切削加工过程中产生变形或裂纹。 2. Stress relief annealing for Cast Iron Surface Plate. Stress relief annealing , also called low temperature annealing or high temperature annealing, which is generally used to eliminate the residual stress in castings, forging, welding, rolling, cold drawing workpieces. 3.球化铸铁平台退火 球化铸铁平台退火主要用于过共析的碳钢及合金工具钢(如制造刃具,量具,模具所用的钢种)。其主要目的在于降低硬度,改善切削加工性,并为以后淬火作好准备。 Spheroidizing annealing for Cast Iron Surface Plate. Spheroidizing annealing is mainly used for eutectoid carbon steel and alloy tool steel (such as steel used for manufacturing cutters, measuring tool, and mold.).The main purpose is to reduce the hardness and improve cutting ability and to prepare for after quenching. 以上是铸铁平台退火处理有那些好处的详细信息,如果您对铸铁平台退火处理有那些好处的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取铸铁平台退火处理有那些好处的最新信息 |