刮研平台所谓“刮研”,是刮削和研磨两个工序的结合。刮研平台即平面刮削——研磨显示,再平面刮削——再研磨显示,如此往复,交替循环,不断运作。使铸铁平台的表面粗糙度值和形位误差逐步降低;接触精度、几何精度在运作中逐步提高,直到达到规定要求为止. Scraped Surface Plate Scraping involves scrape and lapping. After many times’ scraping ad lapping, the surface roughness and geometrical errors of the Scraped Surface Plate are reducing gradually and the contact accuracy and geometric accuracy of the Scraped Surface Plate are improved gradually until all the values reach to the requirements. 刮研平台用途:适用于各种检验工作,精密测量用的基准平面;用于机床机械检验测量基准;检查零件的尺寸精度或形为偏差,并作紧密划线,在机械制造中也是不可缺少的基本工具。 Usage: Scraped Surface Plate is always used as the datum for measurement of the machinery parts’ geometric tolerance,such as flatness, parallelism, straightness and more. It is also can be used for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. It is an indispensable basic equipment in most mechanical manufacturing industries. 刮研平台精度:按国家标准计量检定规程执行,分别为0,1,2,3级四个级别。 刮研平台材料:高强度铸铁HT200-300, 刮研平台工作面硬度:HB170-240 刮研平台表面质量检验:用涂色发检验。0级1级平板在每边为 Accuracy of Scraped Surface Plate: It be classified as Grade 0,1,2,3,4 according to the national standard metrological verification procedures Material: High-strength cast iron HT200-HT300. Hardness: HB170-240. Quality Testing Method: Color available method inspection parts flatness, with accurate, intuitive, convenient advantages. 以上是刮研平台,垫箱,机床垫铁,十字滑台,机床铸件各种机床配套产品-北重机械的详细信息,如果您对刮研平台,垫箱,机床垫铁,十字滑台,机床铸件各种机床配套产品-北重机械的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取刮研平台,垫箱,机床垫铁,十字滑台,机床铸件各种机床配套产品-北重机械的最新信息 |