泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全的简单介绍十字工作台 用途:激光焊接、激光切割、涂胶、打孔、插件、小型数控机床、射线扫描、雕铣机及实用教学场合,多用于数控机床的测量等。泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全的详细信息
泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全 十字工作台 用途:激光焊接、激光切割、涂胶、打孔、插件、小型数控机床、射线扫描、雕铣机及实用教学场合,多用于数控机床的测量等。 Cross table application: Laser welding, laser cutting, coating, punching, plug-ins, small CNC machine, X-ray scanning, engraving and milling machine and the practical teaching situation, more measurements for cnc machine tools. 十字工作台 材质:灰铁HT250-300,优质铝合金材料。 Cross table material: Grey iron HT250-300, the high quality aluminum alloy materials. 十字工作台精度: Cross table precision: 十字工作台 工作原理:采用滚动直线导轨副为导向支承,滚动丝杠副为运动执行元件的结构。如果零件的检测需要在几个不同的阶段进行,零件就需要反复搬运几次,对于质量控制要求不是特别精确的零件,显然是不经济的。由于十字工作台和数控机床在工作原理上没有本质区别,且三坐标测量机上用的三维测头的柄部结构与刀杆一样,因此可将其直接安装在机床(如加工中心)上。需要检测工件时将测量头安装在机床主轴或刀架上,测量工作原理与相同;测量完成再由换刀机械手放入刀库。 Working principle of the cross table:Using linear rolling guide vice oriented bearing, rolling screw pair of actuators for the motion of the structure.If parts of testing shall be carried out in different stages, the parts will need to repeatedly carry several times, for the quality control requirement is not particularly precise parts, obviously it is not economic.Due to cross table and cnc machine tools on the working principle, there is no essential difference between and three coordinates measuring machine with three dimensional measuring head of the handle of the structure and the cutter bar, so it can be installed directly on the machine (such as machining center).Need to detect when the workpiece will measure head installed on the spindle or knife rest, measuring principle and the same;Finished again by change the knife manipulator in the library. 以上是泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全的详细信息,如果您对泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取泊头北重机械-十字工作台,铸铁十字工作台,十字平板,规格齐全的最新信息 |