光伏打桩机螺旋桩打桩机的简单介绍旋挖钻机中风化岩层施工工法: 中分解岩层施工工法:针对不同类型的中风化岩层,所选用的施工工艺及钻具,钻齿和导向齿的选配也具有较大的差异;光伏打桩机螺旋桩打桩机的详细信息旋挖钻机中风化岩层施工工法--取岩芯 Construction method of weathered rock in rotary drilling rig -- core core 旋挖钻机中风化岩层施工工法: Construction method of weathered rock in rotary drilling rig: 中分解岩层施工工法:针对不同类型的中风化岩层,所选用的施工工艺及钻具,钻齿和导向齿的选配也具有较大的差异;旋挖钻机钻进中风化岩层有必定的难度,此刻套管工艺和泥浆护壁都显得不那么重要,真实的问题在于怎么提升入岩功率!一起还要下降钻具、钻齿的损耗,以及及时检测保护钻杆,并防止偏孔。 The construction method of medium decomposed rock: in view of different types of medium weathered rock, the selection of construction technology and drilling tools, drilling gear and guide tooth selection also have great difference. The drilling rig has certain difficulty in drilling the weathered rock layer. At the moment, the casing process and the mud wall are not so important, the real problem is how How to increase the power to rock! We should also reduce the loss of drilling tools and drill teeth, and timely detect and protect drill pipes, and prevent deviating holes. 中风化岩施工安全防止措施 Safety prevention measures for the construction of medium weathered rock 1、取岩芯 1. Taking core 中风化强度较高,一般都选用筒钻入岩取芯方法钻进,相对于全断面钻斗,筒钻入岩节约做工,可提升入岩能力,但一起也面对取岩芯几率的问题! The middle weathering intensity is high, and the core method is generally used to drill into the core method. Compared with the full section drill pipe, the cylinder drilling into the rock can save the workmanship and can improve the ability to enter the rock, but it also faces the problem of taking the core probability together. 防止措施:筒钻取岩芯的几率与岩石层理裂隙、单斗进尺深度及钻具结构和钻齿分布都有关联。 Prevention measures: the probability of core drilling is related to rock bedding and crevice, depth of single bucket, drilling tool structure and drill tooth distribution.
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