F1 F3 F6分配型智能蠕动泵 灌装蠕动泵 申辰蠕动泵 高精度的简单介绍智能版分配型工业蠕动泵,采用原装进口4.3英寸工业级真彩色液晶屏显示,触摸屏操控,可预设分配液量、分配时间、间隔时间、分配次数、回吸角度,动画显示工作状态,分配数据、设定参数、系统配置同屏显示。F1 F3 F6分配型智能蠕动泵 灌装蠕动泵 申辰蠕动泵 高精度的详细信息阿里旺铺:http://detail.1688.com/offer/37964991027.html?spm= F1 F3 F6分装型蠕动泵系列 智能高精度系列
1、原装进口4.3英寸-工业级-真彩色液晶屏,画质清晰,质量更有保障。动画显示实时分配状态,同屏显示分配液量、分配时间、间隔时间、分配次数、系统配置。 2、原装进口触摸屏操作,高硬度,抗划伤、高灵敏度,重视用户体验--“一触即发”。 3、步进电机驱动,控制精确。 4、Shenchen-F-CIR电路系统全部采用原装进口芯片,运算速度快、性能可靠、工作稳定。 5、Shenchen-F-EMB操作系统,采用嵌入式软件设计,功能强大,操控性强,界面友好,重视用户体验。 6、Shenchen-F-EMB操作系统特有的精确角度控制技术,可以实现高精度分配、灌装液体。 7、智能校准功能,可以对流量或者分配液量进行校准,确保流量精度,适合高精度传输液体。 8、具备在线微调功能。在生产过程中,软管出现疲劳或磨损时,使用在线微调功能,可不停机的情况下,微调流量,消除误差,保证生产顺利进行。 9、可存储多达60条常用灌装模式,节省用户设置时间。 10、回吸角度设置,可以避免停机时液体滴漏。 11、外控启停功能,即可以连接脚踏开关,也可以在配套灌装生产线时,实现上位机统一控制或接收缺瓶止灌信号。 12、全自动温控系统,有效降低风扇噪音。 13、掉电记忆功能,及时存储数据,安全可靠。 14、快速填充功能,既可洗瓶,也可以快速向管路中填充液体。 13、超强的抗干扰特性,宽电压设计,适用于复杂的供电环境 14、电路板加喷三防漆工艺,防尘、防潮、防静电、耐腐蚀。 15、304不锈钢机箱,符合药厂GMP认证要求。同时,采用无缝焊接技术,避免意外洒溅在机箱表面的液体渗漏到机箱内部,有效保护内部电路。 Product Introduction: F6 dispensing peristaltic pump, widely used in laboratory and small scale production, such as dispensing culture medium. diagnostic reagent and cosmetics. Color touch-screen control, graphical interfaces, dynamic display filling status, filling parametric and system settings display in the same screen. The filling system suitable for pollution-free, high-precision liquid filling.The filling precision is 0.5%-1%. Product Function and Features: 1. Accurate angle control technology, high precision filling. 2. Color touch-screen control, friendly interface, dynamic display filling state, also display the filling parameter and system settings. 3. Intelligent calibration function, it will calibrate the filling volume before production to ensure the filling accuracy, help you to improve the working efficiency. 4.The online calibration and online fine tuning function, to make you convenient to calibrate or fine-tuning the filling unit during the production progress. It can avoid the filling errors because of tubing fatigue and elasticity decreased. 5. Real-time monitoring, dynamic display the results of the monitoring. With alarm function, ensure the safety in production. 6. The filling system can store 60 commonly used filing modes, save users setting time, and improve working efficiency. 7. Back suction angle setting avoid liquid drop off when the pump stop working. 8. External control start and stop function, make it can be unified controlled by the host computer when working in filing line. 9. Each channel receive missing bottle stop signal separately, to make the single channel can stop when missing bottles. 10. Fast filling liquid function, not only can wash the tubing, but also can fill liquid in the tubing. 11. Separate controller and filling units, can install the controller where is convenient to operate. 12. 304 stainless steel housing, resist corrosion, no rust, conform to GMP sanitary request. Filling Volume Reference Parameter (media is water)
Technical Specification: Product Composition and Flow Rate:
以上是F1 F3 F6分配型智能蠕动泵 灌装蠕动泵 申辰蠕动泵 高精度的详细信息,如果您对F1 F3 F6分配型智能蠕动泵 灌装蠕动泵 申辰蠕动泵 高精度的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取F1 F3 F6分配型智能蠕动泵 灌装蠕动泵 申辰蠕动泵 高精度的最新信息 |