进口分步直动式电磁阀 零压差电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的简单介绍进口分步直动式电磁阀是一种直动式和先导式相结合的原理,结构分为活塞式和膜片式,适于用气、水、油、蒸汽、燃气、腐蚀性流体的控制进口分步直动式电磁阀 零压差电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的详细信息品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口分步直动式电磁阀是一种直动式和先导式相结合的原理,结构分为活塞式和膜片式,适于用气、水、油、蒸汽、燃气、腐蚀性流体的控制The
imported step-by-step direct acting solenoid valve is a combination of direct
acting and pilot operated principles, with a structure divided into piston type
and diaphragm type, suitable for controlling gas, water, oil, steam, gas, and
corrosive fluids 工作原理 常闭:当线圈通电时,电磁力先打开先导孔,主阀活塞上腔压力下降,从而利用压差和电磁力吸动先导阀芯连动主活塞,电磁阀打开。 当线圈断电时,靠弹簧复位关闭先导孔,主活塞上腔增压,推动主活塞向下移动,电磁阀关闭。 Normally
closed: When the coil is energized, the electromagnetic force first opens the
pilot hole, causing the pressure in the upper chamber of the main valve piston
to decrease. Therefore, the pressure difference and electromagnetic force are
used to attract the pilot valve core and connect the main piston, causing the
electromagnetic valve to open. When the coil is powered off, the pilot hole is
closed by spring reset, and the upper chamber of the main piston is
pressurized, pushing the main piston to move downwards, and the solenoid valve
is closed. 常开:常开与常闭相反
Normally open: The opposite of normally open and normally closed 选型参数范围Selection
parameter range: 产品规格:DN25-DN200
(中大口径) 阀体材质:铸铁、不锈钢304、316。(铸铁不能用在腐蚀流体上) 适用介质:气、水、油、蒸汽、燃气、腐蚀性流体。 介质温度:0-100-300℃。 介质粘度:小于50CSt (大于50时需定制)。 防护性能:防水、防爆(Exd
IICT5)、防腐。 阀芯材质: 均为不锈钢。 接线方式:接线座式、引线式、插头式。 控制方式:常闭。 电源电压:DC12~127V;AC36~380V。 连接方式:内螺纹、法兰、(外螺纹和特殊接口可定做或加转接头) 泄 漏 量:零 备注:特殊型可定制。 以上是进口分步直动式电磁阀 零压差电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的详细信息,如果您对进口分步直动式电磁阀 零压差电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取进口分步直动式电磁阀 零压差电磁阀 RETZ瑞茨品牌的最新信息 |