维卡软化点测试的简单介绍维卡软化点测试仪主要用于非金属材料(如塑料、橡胶、尼龙、电绝缘材料等)的热变形及维卡软化点测定。是化工企业、科研单位、大专院校等行的理想测试工具。维卡软化点测试的详细信息安装与操作说明: 试验前的准备工作。 根据试验类型选择试验压头,热变形为圆角压头,维卡为针型压头。将所需的压头与负载杆固定好。 根据试验类型和试样的尺寸计算载荷: a、热变形试验:根据试样的尺寸,选取载荷b、维卡试验:只有两种规定的负荷A法9.81N 即1000g B法 49.05N即5000g 砝码的选配见(9)砝码质量表 打开搅拌电机电源,指示灯亮,搅拌电机工作,搅拌速度可以通过搅拌电机控制盒上的旋钮调节(温度高时用慢速,温度低时用快速),按照以上指定的程序检查电气,无误后继续做下面的工作。维卡软化点测试 安装试样 将试样架抬(升)出油面,将热变形试样放在支撑架上(维卡试样放在平面上),放下负载杆,将试样压紧。 将试样架放(降)回油池内,将相应质量的砝码放在托盘上。要求砝码放正。 将千分表固定在砝码上方,使千分表内芯悬于砝码之上,内芯上端有2-5mm的空间。 升温速率设定:共有两档升温速率,120℃/h,50℃/h。 每次试验时需要对千分表进行调零,方可进行试验,调零时轻轻旋动旋钮,使千分表置于零区,预置3-5分钟。 启动工作:当一切准备工作就绪后,试验开始。 试验结束,记录下温度;移开千分表及砝码,抬(升)起试验架,取下试样。注意不要把试样误入油池。 降温采用气冷或水冷,也可自然冷却。维卡软化点测试冷却时,可抬起或将试样架潜入油池。 关闭主机电源、搅拌电机电源。 维卡软化点测试主要配置: 1.试验主机一台 2.温度传感器一只 3.光栅千分表三块 4.热变形及维卡测头各三套 5. 打印机一台 6. 专用工具一套 维卡软化点测试维卡技术参数: 1、温度控制范围:环境温度——300℃ 2、升温速率:120±5℃/h(12±1℃/6min)或50±3℃/h(5±0.5℃/6min) 3、温度分辨率:0.01℃ 3、最大温度误差:±0.5℃ 4、形变测量方法:千分表 5、变形测量范围:-0.1mm——5.0mm 6、最大变形误差:±0.01毫米 7、试 样 架 数:三架一温 8、加 热 介 质:甲基硅油(需方自备) 9、加 热 功 率:2.5KW 10、冷 却 方 法:150℃以上自然冷却,150℃以下自然冷却或水冷 11、具有上限温度任意设定(环境温度——300℃)的保护功能或最高上限300℃的保护 12、负载杆和压头总质量:88g 13、试验最大负荷: A:维卡试验负荷:GA=10N±0.2N(即1000g)、 GB=50N±1N(即5000g) B:热变形试验负荷:F=2×δ×b×h×h/(3×L) 式中:F——试样所需加的载荷,单位N δ——热变形标准弯曲正应力: 维卡软化点测试方法 A:使用纤维应力1.80MPa 方法 B:使用纤维应力0.45MPa
方法C:使用纤维应力8.00MPa b——试样的宽度,单位m h——试样的高度,单位m L——两支点间的距离,0.100m 14、电 源:AC220V±10%、50Hz、30A 15、需方自备甲基硅油:闪点300度、粘度200厘斯,20升。 Installation and operating instructions: The preparing work before test. Select test head depending on the type of test, the thermal deformation for the rounded head, d card type for the needle head. The required pressure head and load rod fixed well. And depending on the type of test sample size calculation load: a, thermal deformation test: according to the size of the sample, select load b and d card test: there are only two rules of load a method b method 49.05 N 9.81 N or 1000 g or 5000 g weight matching (9) see farmar quality table Open the mixing motor power, indicator, mixing motor work, stirring speed can be regulated by mixing motor control knob on the box (at high temperature with slow, at low temperature with quick), in accordance with the procedures specified above check electric, and continue to do the following work. Vicat softening point test sample carried the specimen holder installation (l) the oil level, the thermal deformation of specimen on the supporting frame (d card samples on the plane), put down the load bar, the sample pressure. Put (down) to the specimen holder oil pool, the corresponding weight of quality on the tray. Asked farmar is. Add dial gauge fixed above the weight, the dial gauge will hang on the weights, the upper inner core with 2-5 mm space. Heating rate setting: a total of two heating rate, 120 ℃ / h, 50 ℃ / h. The dial indicator to zero in each test before experiment, the zero gently turn knob, make the dial indicator at zero, preset for 3 to 5 minutes. Start work: after all preparations were made, trial begins. End of the test, record the temperature; Remove the dial indicator and Jordan farmar, lift (l) test machine, remove the sample. Be careful not to put the sample into the oil pool. Cooling the air cooled or water cooling, natural cooling. Vicat softening point test is cooling, the sample can be raised or frame into oil pool. Shut down the host power supply, mixing motor power. Vicat softening point test main configuration: 1. The test host 2. A temperature sensor 3. The grating dial gauge three pieces 4. The thermal deformation and three sets of vicat probe 5. A printer 6. Special tools Vicat softening point test d card technology parameters: 1, the range of temperature control: the environment temperature - 300 ℃ 2, the heating rate: 120 + 5 ℃ / h (12 + / - 1 ℃ / 6 min) or 50 + 3 ℃ / h (5 + / - 0.5 ℃ / 6 min) 3, temperature resolution: 0.01 3 ℃, the maximum error of the temperature: plus or minus 0.5 ℃ 4, deformation measurement methods: dial gauge, deformation measurement range: 5-0.1 mm - 5.0 mm 6, the maximum deformation error: + / - 0.01 mm 7, try sample number: three temperature 8, add heat medium quality: silicone fluid (the buyer should bring along their own) 9, add heat power: 2.5 KW 10, but cold method: 150 ℃ above natural cooling, natural cooling or water cooling under 150 ℃ 11, has the limit temperature set arbitrary (ambient temperature - 300 ℃) of protection or the protection of the top limit of 300 ℃ 12, rod load and pressure head total quality: 88 g 13, maximum load test: A: d card test load: GA = 10 N + / - 0.2 N (1000 g), GB = 50 N + 1 N (5000 g) B: hot deformation test load: F = 2 x delta * * h * h/B (3 x L) : F - sample needed to add load, unit N delta - hot deformation standard bending normal stress: Vicat softening point test method A: the use of fiber stress 1.80 MPa method B: the use of fiber stress 0.45 MPa C: the use of fiber stress 8.00 MPa, the width of the sample b, unit m h, the height of the sample, the unit m L, the distance between the two fulcrum, 0.100 m (14, electricity source: AC220V plus or minus 10%, 50 hz, 15, the buyer should bring along their own methyl silicone oil, 30 a flash point 300 degrees, the viscosity of 200 CST, 20 liters. 以上是维卡软化点测试的详细信息,如果您对维卡软化点测试的价格、厂家、型号、图片有任何疑问,请联系我们获取维卡软化点测试的最新信息 |